Video: “Is Kundalini more easily experienced actively or meditatively?”

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In this free video, KAP instructor Tao Semko answers the question,
“Is Kundalini more easily experienced actively or meditatively?”

Video Transcription:

The answer is that Kundalini is experienced in all states, meaning you can experience the biological aspects, the movements of Kundalini through the body, [and] the sensations of Kundalini moving through the body in: a waking state, in a state of absolute meditative absorption (samadhi), in a dream state. In a deep sleep you can still be going through these undulations especially when you’re first going through the initial risings of Kundalini.

Kundalini is consciousness as energy moving through the body. It is not a state, it is rather an activity going through you, if that makes sense. Whereas certain forms of samadhi or dhyan, (dhyana meditation, or jhana as the Buddhists call it), these various states of meditation or absorption are literally particular quantized shifts in the way that the brain is working on a biological level, and quantized shifts in the way that the greater consciousness beyond the body is acting through the subtle body.

Meaning, the way that we are experiencing different levels of consciousness using the vehicle that is the subtle body, what part of the subtle body has the energy and consciousness moving through it at any given time.

That is pretty much independent of Kundalini.

What Kundalini does as an active principle — as an energy moving through the body that is the subconscious unifying gradually with different aspects of conscious mind — Kundalini literally creates a thoroughfare or highway for energy, and consciousness running through the central core of the body, running through all the endocrine glands, all the different parts of the spinal nerves and vagus nerves that are connected to different parts of the brain, and in doing so it allows you to run as if your processors are running in parallel instead of serially.

Most people experience one particular emotion or one particular thought over, and over again, and they are stuck in that for some period of their day. And then they might shift out of it, you know if they’re at work they might be, “Oh, I’m at work, I gotta get this done again,” and then they go on lunch break and “Woo-hoo!” They’re having a beer, they’re enjoying their friends, completely separate state, and then they get back to work and, “Oh I’m at work again. External circumstances make me what I am.”

Well, Kundalini basically allows you to pop between those much more freely so that you can simultaneously be experiencing transcendent spiritual bliss even while “Aw, I’m plodding through work.” Whatever it might be.

All of this stuff is accessible at once instead of having to really make an effort, or being affected by external environment to shift from one center of your brain or your body at a time.

Because of that, because Kundalini opens up this rapid experience, and also a much more visceral experience of all of these layers of consciousness, many Kundalini survivors among other things get the experience of their senses actually beginning to bleed over into each other, but not in a sense of dis-ease, meaning they experience synesthesia (the blending of senses) where they listen to music and they see light as a result.

Or they’re seeing something and it comes to them as music or as changes in their physical sensation or as as smell. All of these different experiences: sensory, cognitive, subconscious, intuitive, they begin to play together as a symphony within consciousness, within that individuals experience of both their person and transcendent consciousness.

And so, in the context of what you’re asking about, astral projection or out-of-body-experiences, and being able to go into those experiences from a trance state, in many cases a Kundalini survivor can actually go into those states from a trance, but they can also do it from a complete waking state.

Typically they will still have a more complete or deep experience of the projection or out-of-body experience if they’re in a mild trance, or if they’re in an almost sleeping state.

But, they are able to do it from a pure waking state as well. They’re able to access different states as layers of experience at the same time, or sometimes actually mixing the states together.

And again, the more they practice with those states, (those phases of sleep and waking, trance, etc.) the easier it is to do that just as with any other individual. But, it’s much more plastic, there’s much more ability to do that dynamically.

Also, most Kundalini survivors no longer need to do —you know, if they wanted to experience something that was going on elsewhere, something that was going on with a friend on the other side of the world, in another country, they wouldn’t need to do astral projection to experience it, because they can actually (through this massive thoroughfare they’ve opened up n their subtle body), they can just basically be there, instantaneously without any sort of projecting out of their physical experience.

Even though they’re fully present in their physical body they can experience what’s going in that other place, or with that other person to some extent. Much better of course if they are really familiar with the place or the person than if not, but it’s very common for Kundalini survivors to know that a friend is feeling down, or really having a good day, and call them as a result of that without having, you know, an update on Facebook, or an email from the person or anything else to tell them that’s what’s going on.

They become increasingly empathic with people who are far away. You could be on the moon lander and you’d still be able to feel this.

You can learn to do the same thing with visual projection without having to, again, feel like you’re projecting out of your body. Instead boom you’re just there. Sometimes with eyes closed, sometimes with eyes open.

It doesn’t mean that you become a perfect remote viewer or anything like that, but it does mean that on a subtle level in terms of feelings emotions, sensations, visions, that are connected human experience, it’s typically easier to do that. And there are some Kundalini survivors who become insanely good remote viewers.

Transcription by Spencer Stevens

Dr. Glenn J. Morris’s Improved Kundalini Awakening Process –

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