3rd Free Kundalini / KAP video Q&A, January 2, 2011

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3rd free video Q&A session on Kundalini and Dr. Glenn J Morris’s Improved Kundalini Awakening Process (KAP) hosted by Tao Semko, member of the KAP faculty.

Answers to the following questions:
From Wales, UK:
“For quite a long time, I didn’t realise that what I was experiencing was Kundalini. This is because it is usually described as feeling like an electric shock or fiery current running up the back. Later I realized that there are people that experience the physical aspect of Kundalini in a similar way to me, ie more like a fountain of champagne bubbles moving in waves throughout the body. Do you know why there is this difference?”

From Nova Scotia, Canada:
“Tao, When I first started practicing KAP I had a lot of very blissful experiences. It was very obvious that something powerful was happening in my body. now when I meditate, it doesn’t feel like the incredible earth shattering progress I was experiencing at first. I’ve also developed some tension or pressure in my Xiphoid process. does this mean the energy is blocked? I also have some other more general questions… what exactly does increased intra-abdominal pressure mean? is it possible to have kundalini active in certain chakras but not others? what is the experiential difference between a kundalini awakening and a kundalini rising? Thank you very much Tao”

From New York, USA:

“Question for the Q&A: Hi Tao, I am an avid “Astral Projector/Out of Body” practitioner. It has been said by some that the most conductive state of concsiousness to be in in order to experience an “out of body experience” is in a trance or from a position of “mind awake/body asleep”. I’m wondering if Kundalini is experienced in the same state or is Kundalini something that is capable of being experienced outside of a meditative state, in a layer of awareness closer to a waking state? Also, if you have time for a second question: If Kundalini is experienced in a trance state, which can be considered by some to have a high degree of psychological plasticity at times,In your experience do you think of Kundalini as a sentient being or is it a phenomenon created by the seeker, over time, in a state of consciousness that has a high degree of psychological plasticity?”

From Oulu, Finland:
“Hi Tao, these are some of the questions that I’ve been thinking about lately:
1. How big a role does diet play in spiritual (kundalini) cultivation? What kind of diets boost progress and what kind of diets hinder it?
2. Is it possible to awaken kundalini just by doing lots of normal concentration meditation on e.g. the breath?
3. How is kundalini related to the four jhanas of buddhism?”

Regrettably, the recording ended abruptly during the answer to question 1 from Finland., and the answers to 2 and 3 were thus cut off… –Tao Semko

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