Article: Shaking and Quaking?

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by Tao Semko

One of the most common biological manifestations of Kundalini is the trembling or quivering sensation called a Kundalini kriya. Kriya means action or movement in the Sanskrit language — and a Kundalini Kriya is simply the flutter, quiver, or jolting sensation of increased millivoltage discharging repeatedly, rhythmically or a-rhythmically, along the lengths of the motor neurons and muscle fibers, and causing the muscles to spasmodically twitch or vibrate, which in turn can make the body move.

When kriyas occur in the musculo-skeletal system, they may cause the feeling or appearance of shivering or trembling when in the legs, abdominals or spinal erector muscles, or undulations or “winding” movements of the spine when in the glutes, pelvis, or neck muscles.

When kriyas occur in the smooth muscle of the intestines, it can feel like effervescence, electrical discharges, or fluid serpentine undulations or “lava-lamp” upwellings through the viscera.

Kriyas in the sacral/pelvic region can be, but are not always, accompanied by orgasmic or pre-orgasmic sensations and pulsations.

Now, is every tremble a kundalini kriya? No, of course not — there are numerous conditions that can cause trembling, shaking, tremoring, and the like, from the normal contextual trembling associated with cold exposure, excitement, or pleasure… to neurological conditions from the mild (like restless leg syndrome) to more serious (cataplexy, Parkinsons, etc), so it is wise to have your physician rule these out, especially if there is a family history of neurological conditions.

That said, when these tremors seem to occur as bigger oscillations in response to emotional or sensory experiences, breathwork, or certain spiritual practices, there is a good chance you are experiencing kriyas.

Spontaneous kundalini movements are more common than you might think. They do not necessarily result in a progressive and fully integrated Kundalini awakening, though they can be part of that process…

Kriyas in the skeletal muscles often result from holding postures for extended periods with spinal suspension and a combination of relaxation and dynamic tension – practices like Zhan zhuang (qigong “posting” practices), holding hatha yoga asanas rather than flowing them, holding martial postures for structural integrity, etc.

Kriyas in the smooth muscles and along the vagus nerves can result from certain kinds of breathwork, internal muscle contractions or pulsations, prolonged meditative focus, internalized devotion, prolonged sexual activity with kinesthetic awareness and deep breathing, prolonged laughter tempered with relaxation, etc…

Kriyas in and of themselves are neither good nor bad – they are simply transitory experiences while the neural networks, endocrine system, and meridian networks learn to accommodate and integrate “bigger” signals corresponding to the amplified experiences of kundalini awakening

Skeletal muscle kriyas often accompany increased mind-body connection, increased proprioception, better muscle fiber recruitment, and release of habitual fascial tension patterns,

while smooth muscle (visceral and uro-genital) kriyas often accompany increases in somato-emotional and psycho-sexual integration, and releases in mental-emotional patterns.

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