Five necessary conditions for a safe and permanent Kundalini Awakening and Integration

Video in two short clips: the five necessary practice conditions for your body and mind to experience a safe, rapid, permanent, and complete rise and full integration of kundalini, allowing for truly embodied spiritual realization*:

View video on the first three conditions here on Youtube:

View video on the last two conditions here on Youtube:

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*Different secular, spiritual, and religious traditions have different terminology for the experience of awakening/realization/enlightenment, including Gnosis, Satori, Self-Realization, God Realization, Realization of the Nature of Mind/ Realization of the Union of Compassion and Wisdom, etc… each of which encompass some of the same direct experiences, coupled with the worldviews of the philosophies in which they are practiced.

The Body of Enlightenment/ Enlightened Body/ Body of Gnosis is the human body fully illuminated by the energetic awakening known in different cultures as Kundalini, the Apostolic Flame, Shekinah, Candali/gTummo, the ‘Fire of Separation”, etc… Such a body viscerally experiences the Mind Realization described in the previous paragraph, rather than the realization merely being experienced on the mental level.

Video Transcription:

Part 1:

To guarantee that Kundalini is permanently awakened, five phenomena have to be present. And if you look at any system designed to open Kundalini around the world (any system that works), if you look at any cases of spontaneous Kundalini awakening that had lasting and permanent effects on the individuals involved, you will see that at least three or four of these phenomena are typically present.

The first is increased vital energy in the lower abdomen and the pelvis, or increased vital energy in the entire body, but it must include the lower abdomen and the pelvis.

By vital energy we mean prana, chi, vital breath. In biological terms it means that there’s usually increased intra-abdominal pressure from long deep abdominal breathing. Energy is being stored in the coil of the intestines and in the subtle body it’s being stored in the dan’tien or the area of the kanda using Sanskrit terminology.

The second phenomena is that: there must be amplified emotion. That means that Kundalini almost never is aroused purely by the presence of physicalized energy, or subtle energy. There must also be some emotional content, and usually profoundly aroused emotional content. That can mean things on many levels.

There are certainly cases of spontaneous Kundalini awakening from the survival mechanism, from fight-or-flight response, from fear, from anger, and there are even techniques, historical techniques, that use those particular emotions. But it can also be opened by extremes of devotion, and there are many cases of saints going through the Kundalini because of this in many different traditions: Catholic, Hindu, Buddhist, Sufi, etc.

In addition, opening of compassion, opening of sexual chemistry, sexual love, romantic love, profound filial love, sometimes parents actually go through Kundalini kriyas when they’re actually watching their firstborn being delivered or just after the delivery.

So any profound opening of emotion, devotion, awe, wonder, love, joy, happiness, release, fear, any of these things can open up this state. Now you can choose whether you want use destructive emotions, painful emotions, or ones that are uplifting.

The third phenomena that must be present is: something must draw this energy into the central column within the body, the central channel. In biological terms, the energy must be drawn into the vagus nerves, and the vagus nerves must become aroused.

The vagus nerves are cranial nerves that descend from the brain down through the throat, in front of the spine (not through the spine), down through the various internal organs, and down to the reproductive organs.

They link all of these things without actually needing the use of the spinal nerves. If you look at the curvature of the human spine, the human spine naturally curves in in the lumbar area, and goes deep into the core of the body, and then it curves back out in the thoracic area, behind your shoulder blades.

That region, it actually moves away from the central line out behind the head in some cases, depending on the degree of curvature. If you simply follow the spine upwards and wake up the spine — as some of the older texts more or less roughly described Kundalini moving — if you just follow the spine upwards, the energy will move through what Chinese medicine calls the Governing Vessel, and what the Hindus call Arohan and Awarohan nadis, the front and back channels, but it won’t necessarily actually go through the center of the nerve and endocrine plexuses, and through the center of the chakras.

So it’s very important to actually do something that moves your awareness, the breath, and the Kundalini energy so both the vital energy (prana or chi), and also the Kundalini energy, the Shakti, through the center of the body.

Now there’s various ways that this can happen, it can happen naturally if someone is transfixed, if their gaze is completely focused on one object and unmoving. So in many cases of saints practicing devotional prayer or devotional practices, they naturally are in this state either focusing on a candle flame, or on a representation of the holy word, or on an icon.

You can also focus directly on the kinesthetic experience of this central channel within the body, actually feeling those areas within the body moving upwards from bottom to top. You can also do visualizations of the chakras, etc.

So there’s many different ways of getting the nervous system in this central column to become more alive and awake. If the gaze is transfixed, the eyes are transfixed on something, and there is heightened emotion, and there is deep breathing, the nervous system naturally starts to pull things into both the central nervous system and into the vagus nerves, and those areas become more awake, the blood flow in that central region becomes more alive, capillary blood flow, capillary circulation through the internal organs becomes more alive, etc.

So this must happen on some level, whether it’s intentional or unintentional in order for Kundalini to truly create the process of changes, and new neural networks and the reorganization of the subtle body or the awakening, the full awakening of the subtle body

Otherwise the kriyas or movements of Kundalini energy can simply move through various parts of the nervous system and make muscles twitch and such, but it won’t necessarily create a lasting and permanent change beyond the areas in the lower abdomen where the spine is central to the body down in the lumbar area. So that’s three.

Transcription by Spencer Stevens

Part 2:

So far, you have: increase in vital energy in the body, especially in the lower abdomen. You have amplified emotions, must be present, very amplified emotions. Number three, the energy has to be drawn into the central core of the torso and the head.

Number four: if you want to go through the experience without having side effects, so called Kundalini Syndrome, without having health issues, without having heat and headaches and — unnecessary heat, or uncomfortable heat I should say, feverishness, headaches, all sorts of other side effects — without having adrenal fatigue and tension in the area of the liver, tension in the area of the heart or congestion in the area of the heart.

All of these things are not part of Kundalini although some people very proudly claim that they’ve gone through hell as they’ve — physical and emotional turmoil as they went through the Kundalini process, but Kundalini itself doesn’t cause those things. The Kundalini process just amplifies whatever is already there.

If the body already has various blockages, areas of extreme somatic tension from stress, from emotions stored in the body, traumatic muscle memories: all of those things come into play and get amplified by the Kundalini energy and by the increase in breath energy.

If you look in the DMSV-IV, there is a classification for Kundalini — or, excuse me, for Qigong induced psychosis I think, or Qigong induced illness.

Even if you just do deep breathing and you keep parts of the body too tense from emotional tension or conscious contraction, you cause imbalances in the nervous system, and the endocrine system that can lead to imbalances in the mind. So, all of those things have to be kept in balance, even as you amplify those experiences and create these new neural networks and reinforce old neural networks.

So that’s number four: the energy has to be circulated, things have to be opened up, tensions and congestion need to be alleviated within the body. There’s many ways of doing that; there’s methods of relaxing the body progressively and circulating the breath, capillary blood-flow, the awareness through the body.

There’s methods of self massage, methods of massage by others, all sorts of different traditional methods that were used to open up the body and release tension within the body so that the tension didn’t create negative somatic or psychological effects.

The fifth and final thing that you have to have if you want this to be a permanent and lasting effect is that: you have to be persistent in practice over some period of time, a number of days.

It is highly unusual if a person hasn’t already been practicing these four other aspects separately from each other, if their body isn’t already open, if they don’t already breath more deeply than the average person, if they don’t already allow themselves to open their emotions big and wide. Once you bring those things together, Kundalini starts to move.

But, if you’ve been practicing all of them separately or just as a part of your regular life up to this point, you may not need quite as much persistence to get Kundalini to move, and then to become a permanent set of changes in the body and in the personality.

But for the average person who’s doing these things as an intentional practice, and who hasn’t done them very much up until this point, for the average person, you have to be persistent in practicing all of the previous four things.
Increasing the vital energy in the lower abdomen and pelvis.

Amplifying the emotions. You can’t just sit there trying to quiet your mind which is great meditation practice but will not open Kundalini.

You have to do something that brings the energy into the central channel, either some sort of gazing practice or something that actually draws your awareness and breath and nerve activity into the central area of the head and the torso

And you need to keep the energy circulating, either through relaxation, and breath, and movement exercises, or massage, or something.

If you do all of those things, and you continue to do them, and you bring them all together in the right way and you move the awareness from opening up the lower areas of the body first, and then progressively upwards through the body as it’s happening, Kundalini will awaken and it will gradually begin to rewire the body.

You will build all sorts of new neural networks between the various plexuses along the spine and the vagus nerves. You will also better integrate all of the aspects of the endocrine system so that your body becomes more responsive and can very rapidly release hormones whenever you intentionally or unintentionally change your emotional state, or your physical state through breathing.

So all of these things start to happen very rapidly, and they continue to happen if you’re persistent in your practice. It doesn’t mean you have to be, you know, engaging in drudgery. You could be very playful about the whole thing, and certainly there are cases where people have unintentionally and permanently aroused Kundalini just because all of these things are there.

On a daily basis they open up extremes of emotion, they do deep belly breathing, they do something that causes the energy to move inwards and upwards through the nervous system, and they do something to keep the energy circulating so that they don’t have to bear horrendous psychosomatic side effects because the energy is naturally flowing and isn’t pent up anywhere in the body.

So I hope that’s some help. Those of you who have had Kundalini experiences before but have not permanently awakened Kundalini so that it is now a part of you, perhaps you may see where some of those things were present for a time and then disappeared in your life, or you were only practicing one or two of them, or it was short-term etc.

Sometimes trauma opens up Kundalini. Emotional trauma. Physical trauma. The survival response. Sometimes love opens up Kundalini or sex, a profound amount of sex. All of these things can happen. But, unless all of the various processes continue, it won’t naturally unfold into more permanent changes in your body and mind. And all of the accompanying miraculous and semi miraculous abilities of consciousness and energy that are associated with it.

Remember that Kundalini is both a biological and a spiritual process. It occurs through the body. Through the physical and energetic and consciousness aspects of the body. Emotion. Intellect. Intuition. All of these things. Bliss. Emptiness. All of these experiences.

It’s a part of all of thee things. And if you neglect any of those, you neglect any of the five things I gave your previously, there’s a chance that your experience may not be well balanced, or pleasant, or that it simply won’t last, or that it’ll never get started in the first place.

I hope that’s a help to you whether you’re practicing (Dr. Glenn J. Morris’s Improved) KAP, or any other method, and whether you’ve experienced some degree of Kundalini kriyas or movements of Kundalini through your body in the past or not.

Bless you and good luck to you.

Transcription by Spencer Stevens

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