Video: “Is it possible to have kundalini active in some chakras but not others?”

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In the following two 3-minute-long videos, KAP Instructor Tao Semko answers the question, “Is it possible to have kundalini active in some chakras but not others?”

Part One, 3:36

Part Two, 3:35

Video Transcription:

Part 1:

“Is it possible to have Kundalini active in certain chakras but not others?”

Yes, absolutely. Just because Kundalini has started to activate, or you have experienced a Kundalini rising, does not mean Kundalini is fully awake. An awakened Kundalini means that Kundalini has risen, and descended, and relaxed enough times that you can actually initiate Kundalini movements, Kundalini kriyas at will, and turn them off pretty much at will.

Kundalini initially is an autonomic set of responses that begin to blend together. They can be controlled or initiated by creating the right circumstances.

With practice, just like you can learn to breathe smoothly and deeply, you can learn to control your swallowing, you can even learn to control regurgitation as the great Houdini did, you know, swallowing a key and regurgitating it so that he could let himself out of his handcuffs while submerged in a tank of water.

All of these autonomic responses — even your heartbeat — can be controlled consciously with practice. With practice, with your body getting accustomed to Kundalini, you can actually learn to control it at will. Opening out these movements or waves of Kundalini going through you, and shutting them down again whenever you like.

That’s not the only thing, it’s not just a matter of whether or not you can turn them on and off. It’s also a matter of how many plexuses along the vagus nerve have been completely enervated by this particular response. It is possible for instance to open up Kundalini in the lower centers of your lower abdomen, and then have it skip up the spine into the brain centers, skipping over the area of the cardiac plexus, or skipping over one of the other centers.

Kundalini can move through any part of the nervous system, but it’s only moving through the vagus nerve that you really get the central experience of each of those chakras or plexuses opening. The central experience of each of those parts of the brain becoming not only engaged, but coming gradually over conscious control so that you can shift effortlessly into being slow and steady, relaxed.

Into being dynamic and fluid not only in your thinking, but in the malleability of the body.

Into being incredibly fiery and intense and precise.

Into being completely open, free untied down by your ego or your lower personality.

Spreading out beyond that into space.

Becoming completely one pointed as a yogi.

Or opening up complete bliss.

All of those experiences are just aspects of the various centers as you open them. And they become more plastic and more accessible, and you can actually open several of those experiences at once, once Kundalini has actually “pierced”, using the traditional metaphor, each of those centers of the body.

Transcription by Spencer Stevens

Part 2:

When Kundalini is only active in particular centers, KAP in particular is very good at teaching you to channel it into the others and to move progressively through the different awakenings within the body.

Some of the very traditional methodologies that do sometimes open up Kundalini as a response, including even basic Vipassana, basic Shamata, emptiness meditations, etc. those can occasionally in one out of a hundred, or one out of a thousand people they do open up Kundalini responses and we have people come to us and say “Hey I had these weird experiences and my Vipassana teacher doesn’t know what they are and they told me I should not do that and it’s bad.”

They are natural experiences for people who naturally — because of their own personalities, because of their circumstances at that moment — people who naturally who put themselves into the specific set of circumstances that begin to open up these autonomic never responses.

The problem is, when you’re using methodologies that aren’t designed to bring about the progressive opening of each part of the body in turn through visceral experience, not just through some sort of external ritual or something that’s supposed to engage the body but may not as some of the traditional or non-traditional methods try to.

If you’re just using simple meditation and you start to have Kundalini experiences, or if you’re just making love a lot, having a lot of sex or making love a lot to someone that you’re deeply romantically involved with: that can also begin to initiate Kundalini experiences.

Sometimes people bring themselves all the way through the initial ascent, and they do chain everything together the way that it’s suppose to be for a complete awakening. Although it’s really fairly rare for that to happen completely without the experience of somebody who knows how to do that, or without them sort of doing further research and saying “Oh okay I’ve experienced this, but maybe I need to try to do that.”

Therefore, people who simply experience this kind of thing through seated meditation or through doing gazing on a candle, etc, it’s important that they learn how to access all of the different parts of their normal manifested personality as well as these transpersonal or transcendent experiences and integrate them, otherwise they can get stuck in one particular set of experiences — as stuck as people who have never had any sort of sort of spiritual experience.

It’s always funny to hear somebody who’s had some sort of transcendent experience bragging about the experience and how everybody else is asleep, or they don’t know what being human is really all about or whatever it might be. And yet they themselves are stuck in a particular set of experiences rather than going beyond even the transcendent experiences into just pure being and then integrating that pure being back into all of these experiences of bliss, of emptiness, of normal, mundane, human experiences.

You can experience transcendent bliss, and stub your toe, and still be mad. You can experience transcendent bliss, and have your cousin die and still experience sadness. But it’s sadness without this deep sense of attachment. It’s just sadness because there’s a loss, there’s been a change. There was a connection and the connection may still be there, but not to the personality as it once was.

Transcription by Spencer Stevens

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